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Forged Rolls for Cold Rolling Mill

Work Roll: The primary rolls that come in direct contact with metal being rolled. These are smaller in diameter compare to Back Up rolls. These are used in cold rolling and hot rolling 2Hi, 4Hi,6Hi and cluster mill.
Intermediate Roll : These are used between work roll and Back Up roll and mainly use to control shape of the strips being rolls. They are made from 3%, and 5% Cr. Steel.
Back Up: Back Up roll is a large, heavy roll that supports the work roll in a rolling mill. It helps prevent the work roll from bending under the rolling load. Backup rolls are generally used in rolling mills and other equipment. Since the work roll is relatively slender, it cannot bear the radial load generated when straightening the shape of the sheet and rolling the sheet. These are used in 4Hi and 6Hi mills for manufactured from ESR forged steel material. Material.
Skin Pass : Skin-pass rolling or temper rolling is usually the final process in the production of cold-rolled steel sheets. One of the main objectives in skin-pass rolling is to obtain a certain surface finish.
Backup Roll Sleeves : We are also supplying sleeves for back up rolls depending on the customers requirement to make it more economical.
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Sendzimir Mill Rolls

Senszimir 20Hi Cold Rolling Mill is used for to roll digid meterials to using thin gauges without needing multiple annealing. It comprises of Work rolls , 1st intermediate rolls,2nd intermediate rolls, and Backup . work rolls are generally made out of D2 / 1.2379 . The 1st and 2nd intermediate rolls are made from 1.2362 / H11 / D2 material. , Sendzimir mills are generally used for rolling of stainless steel.
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Leveler Rolls

These are made from En 31 grade steel and are very small in Diameter. They are used in Cold Rolling Mills, Tube Mill and various other application.
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Plate Mill Work Rolls and Back Up Rolls

These are made from high cromiup cast iron and are suitable for work rolls for roughing and finishing stand of 4HI Midium Wind Mill. These are used for Rolling Slabs where in high reduction is requier.
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